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Image by Olha Sumnikova

Join Our Feral Webwork of Belonging

Join our feral weaving of tricksters, wanderers, poets, storytellers, creatures, monsters, conjurers, artists, dreamers, seers, erotic incanters, and more!

Feral Webwork of Belonging is a virtual terra-scape singing invocational hymns to the truths that long to find form, expression, and witness. Emergent and evolving truths that articulate the shape and song of your life. A life that is a gift to this heartrendingly beautiful world. This is a place to experiment, explore, risk, reveal, revel, discover, de-form and transform. A virtual gathering ground inviting us to tend the pregnant possibilities of these times. Gestating shapes slumbering in Mystery's belly coursing with shifting magiks.


What might emerge out of such a cauldron? What alchemy might Earth's dreaming be creating with us? And how might a webwork support us in these times of unravelling?


We have created a virtual, sacred play-space for us to meet and share dreams, poems, images, songs, fears, griefs, and longings. A virtual terrain where we can network with one another, show our soft bellies, leathery wings, sharp teeth, howling eyes, and sinuous curves. A place to be witnessed and celebrated for your full-bodied, courageous aliveness. A place where our curiosity and wonder can wander a post-colonial, dreaming landscape, and actively create feral together-ing.


We have chosen Mighty Networks as our platform in order to have an advertising free space that does not track or use algorithms to capture our behavior. A place that allows us to meet in hallowed bravery. A space dedicated to the practice and exploration of what it means to be feral.

When you become a part of the weft of Feral Lunacy's Virtual Webwork, you will be held in the risky, rich, and respectful warp of our weaving. Your monthly membership will include:


  • Feral Council - 1.25 hour 1 x month. Free for members ($15 for non members)


  • Feral Embodiment - 1.25 hour 1 x a month Free for members ($10 for non-members)


  • Members discount- 5% off on Programs, both monthly and 6 month Programs


  • The opportunity to share your feral dreaming, wanders, pictures, words and creaturely ways with other human-creatures, to be seen and to nourish your feral heart


  • A members Atelier, where artwork, artistry and Craft are to be shared and celebrated


  • Weekly invitations for practices for deepening your relationship with Mystery and your own soul from Sara and Amanda and visiting Guides


Monthly Membership Fee: $25

This is for you if you...

  • feel a devotional ache in your bones to live a life wed to Mystery and say yes to the sacralizing of the unknown and yet-to-be-birthed.


  • wish to strap questions of curiosity and wonderment around your hips that guide your movements, and pull you deeper and farther into the world. Questions that refuse simple answers, and evade habitual responses. Questions that illuminate your entanglement with all of life.


  • taste, hear, feel, smell, and see the tendrils of aliveness that tether you to the Earth and Cosmos. That you grow out of this shapeshifting orb, and sense you are miraculously dreamed by this world.


  • sense there's something creaturely or monstrous about you; more than human and springing from soil enriched by interspecied, imaginal, ancestral compost. Divine and portending, you sense how the soul of you refuses to be gentrified or colonized.


  • wish to honor these times with your grief, love, rage, and relentless capacity to dream with the world.


  • long to be shaped and reshaped by an emergent intelligence flowing through all your relational entanglements (both seen and unseen), toward a shape that is seed-like, small, and filled with immense possibility. A shape that cannot be contained within hierarchies and binaries. A shape that sings with glorious rapture-songs of multiplicity.


  • long to be welcomed as the dynamic and complex creature that you are - multifaceted and shapeshifting.

This is for you if you are...

  • re-imagining community and culture in these times and for these times. 


  • re-visioning systems of support, pathways of reciprocity, organizational structurings, parental tending, the fabric of education, movements of liberation and justice, the invocation of the eco-mystical and poetic. 


  • seeking a Webwork of others guided by a love for the multiplicitous, the chthonic, the unknown, and the emergent. Companionship of those that love the darkness just as much as the light, that recognizes the brilliant necessity of elemental forces that compost, decay, and rot. 

This is a place...

  • that invites the dawning of your night songs, obsidian claws, piercing screeches, howling hymns, feathered flares, sharp-toothed grins, leathery wings, fury bellies, exuberant adornments, raucous laughter, yipping poems, and more.


  • where we can engage what is known as the feminine and the masculine as emergent and dynamic forces beyond the binary. Trans(form)-ing, queering, more-than-human forces that are spacious enough to embrace all the myriad bodies of experience and expression.

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